About Us

Client Partnerships

To bridge the gap between our clients’ sales and delivery teams we take on all of the bid cycle activities, such as qualification, production, delivery and presentation in a fully outsourced model. Working in partnership with clients we achieve quantifiable step changes in winning profitable work.

Client partnerships have achieved:

Improved win rates

Reduced cost of bidding

Strategic planning

Rapid bid responses


Corporate Brochure

The Bid Team has produced a corporate overview of the benefits of using our services, detailing what clients can expect when engaging us, our partnership style and the bid process and our recommended approach.

The bid team icon

Ten Ways To Win

The Bid Team has produced a guide which outlines what must be done to win bids. Your client must understand the full benefit of your solution, therefore an understanding of what is required of a bid is essential.

The bid team icon
The bid team icon

Ten Ways To Win

The Bid Team has produced a guide which outlines what must be done to win bids. Your client must understand the full benefit of your solution, therefore an understanding of what is required of a bid is essential.

Partnership Charter

The Bid Team strategic partnerships typically start out as intent, and develop over time as mutual trust is earned and business objectives for both organisations materialise. Within a strategic partnership, it will be possible for our clients to easily access all of The Bid Team’s service offerings on commercial terms that are most appropriate for the bid. The benefit to the client is that in addition to the supply of bidding services, we deliver against an agreed long term plan covering several bids and against agreed service levels.

The strategic partnership model has defined rides for both parties. In all partnerships The Bid Team allocates an executive sponsor to work proactively with the account manager, developing strategic relationships with equivalents in the client organisation, providing sponsorship and support to ensure that the bid services provided fulfil our partnership promise. We associate service levels against three criteria when measuring the success of any bidding outsource:

Partnership Charter

Usually by way of customer satisfaction survey and includes measurement on the ‘softer’ things in achieving a good performance.

Contract Performance

Usually an aggregate of specific bid performances such as, win rate over time or increase value of the wins made.

Bid Performance

Usually specific to the nature of the engagement but could include meeting bid milestones and budgets.

Meet The Team

Our staff and associates come from a wide range of backgrounds that complement all bidding activities and business change associated with bidding improvements.

Mark Protheroe

See Profile

Helen Rayfield

See Profile

Carol Nubbert

See Profile

Rob Terry

See Profile

Contact Us Now

To enquire about any of our services please fill out the contact form below and we will be in touch.