Our bid directors work with our clients’ marketing and sales teams to define marketing, sales and communications strategies prior to bid release, to position our clients’ solutions in the best light.
Bid Direction
Setting the strategy and reviewing to ensure compliance with the approach is essential to demonstrate client benefits. Our specialists work with senior management to develop the win strategy, solution benefits and win themes.
Bid Management
Our consultants can undertake a full bid process review and provide advice on areas of strength and what needs improving. Our consultants know what works from many years’ experience of high value bidding across many sectors.
Bid Writing
Bid writers have the skills and training to work with the submission, analyse the requirements and evaluation criteria and produce the detailed storyboards required for high-scoring responses.
Bid Graphics
Bid documentation is one of the most important pieces of corporate communication your organisation produces. It should look like it. Our team of designers draw upon their knowledge and skill to create the best presentation and bid templates. We design high quality print and digital solutions tailored to our clients’ bid.
Bid Review
Review, review, review. We review qualification and competitor analysis and we test the robustness of your win themes. We also provide regular reviews as your bid progresses.
Case Studies
The Bid Team has provided bidding services that have resulted in over £11.4 billion of revenue for clients. The case studies below are some of the more significant wins that clients have achieved.