31st August 2018
Haringey Council have released a prior information notice (PIN) for a £7bn construction framework as part of the London Construction Programme (LCP).
The framework is being put in place for the delivery of housing, education and leisure, capital, historical, heritage, highway and public realm projects for members of the LCP.
The works and services will comprise of all types of building construction works and associated mechanical, electrical services work and may include design and other services as required.
The LCP was established in 2012 to develop a Pan-London strategy to improve construction procurement. It is a virtual partnership of various buying organisations offering procurement solutions to deliver construction projects more efficiently and effectively.
This framework will replace the existing arrangement which is due to expire in May of next year.
It is divided into five lots, with tenderers able to be awarded a maximum of three.
Lot 1 – Housing and residential
This lot covers housing and residential projects across London ranging in the following sub-categories: £1-5million, £5-10m, £10-20 and over £20m.
Lot 2 – Education and leisure
Education and leisure projects across London in the following sub-categories: £1-5m, £5-10m, £10-20 and over £20m.
Lot 3 – Capital projects
Capital projects across London in the following sub-categories: £1-5m, £5-10m, £10-20 and over £20m.
Lot 4 – Heritage and historical
Heritage and historical projects across London in the following sub-categories: between £1-10m and over £10m.
Lot 5 – Highways and public realm
Highways and public realm projects across London over £1m.
LCP is using the Delta e-sourcing to run the market engagement exercise. The completed questionnaire is to be submitted no later than 5pm on 20 September.
The estimated date of publication for this PIN is 15 October. The full PIN can be accessed from here.
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