30th September 2020
NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands CSU (AGCSU) on behalf of NHS England & NHS Improvement – Midlands is inviting suitably qualified and experienced providers to deliver integrated healthcare services at a newly built prison at Wellingborough.
The new prison is currently being constructed as a Category C Resettlement prison, with a population of 1,680 men. It is expected that the contract will go live from April 2021, with access to the prison site anticipated from September 2021 and the anticipated arrival of the first wave of patients (ramp up of 40 per week) from January 2022.
This procurement is being carried out in accordance with the Light Touch Regime. A site visit is available for all potential bidders on 7 October 2020. Bidders must send a message via the EU supply system by 12:00 noon on 5 October 2020 to register to attend, max 2 per organisation.
The estimated value is £75m and the duration is for 120 months.
Date of tender submission is 20 November 2020.
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