£40m Business and Management Consultancy Framework open for bids
18th June 2019
The Regeneration and Business Directorate of Central Bedfordshire Council has initiated a procurement framework worth £40m. The purpose of this wide framework is for the Directorate to learn from best practice and commission technical expertise to support the council’s agenda in Central Bedfordshire.
The proposed framework is composed of the following 6 lots covering the breadth of the directorate:
Economic development, regeneration and pace delivery:
Economic development strategies for inward investment and business growth
Economic and demography analysis including forecasting
Bid writing, appraisals and economic impact assessments
Stakeholder engagement
Housing and commercial financial modelling:
Development appraisals
Viability research and analysis
Specialist planning advice:
Gypsy and traveller
Capacity studies
Greenbelt review
Sustainability appraisal
Heritage impact assessments
Landscape visual impact assessments
Employment functional, economic market area study and employment land review
Planning and development management:
Planning application and appeal support
Planning application validation support
Planning enforcement support
Process improvement and redesign
Business engagement, events management and promotion:
Management and delivery of events, including logistics, attendance, exhibitors, sponsorship, guest speakers, school and employer engagement, risk assessment and health and safety
Marketing and promotion using both conventional and social media campaigns
Writing press releases and producing case studies
Website design, maintenance and hosting
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system – design, maintenance and hosting
Property database collection service and portal – host, provide, refresh and carry out maintenance
Cartographer service – design, host and maintenance
Land drainage, specialist design and checking support:
Provision of specialist flood risk management advice
Specialist support in respect of building regulations compliance
The duration of given contracts will be 48 months.
The current deadline for receipt on tenders or requests to participate is 12th July 2019.
The Bid Team has a strong reputation for helping clients win contracts across areas of the public sector normally difficult to access. To find out more about how we can help you tailor the winning bid, get in touch today.
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