3rd October 2018
Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) are looking for three partners to deliver the new Lincolnshire Highways Alliance worth £762m.
The council’s current contract is due to expire in March 2020.
The procurement is divided into three lots, each lasting six years from the commencement date on 1 April 2020. LCC, however, do have the option to extend the contract for an additional six years.
Tenders may only be submitted and awarded to a single tenderer.
This lot covers minor repairs, 24-hour emergency response, winter service provision, drainage cleansing and landscape maintenance, surfacing schemes and street lighting.
Five candidates will be invited to submit a tender for this lot.
This lot will cover:
Five candidates will be invited to submit a tender for this lot.
This lot covers:
Selection for the lots will be based on economic and financial standing, alongside technical and professional ability in managing change, cost and public expectations.
The time limit for the receipt of tenders is 9 November and the dispatch of invitations to tender is expected on 7 January.
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