Client: Migrant Help

As a national charity Migrant Help need to secure revenue streams from funding programmes sponsored by national and local bodies. The Bid Team supports charities in these funding applications.


Migrant Help is a national charity that provides advice, guidance and support to asylum seekers, refugees and victims of modern-day slavery and human trafficking. Many of the programmes that Migrant Help run are funded through grants and contracts from central and local government. These grants are subject to re-competition depending on national and local priorities. Typically to secure their place on these programmes Migrant Help needs to tender in open competition and demonstrate value for money. For a charity having the staff time and funds available to compete in open funding requests is challenging. The Bid Team was engaged by Migrant Help to run several of their funding applications, grant applications and competitive operations bids.

Migrant Help was able to secure significant funding streams through the partnership with The Bid Team without compromising front line delivery activities. Migrant Help staff and managers were able to “get on with the day job” and fulfil their charitable objectives while The Bid Team consultants delivered the necessary documentation. The types of bid documentation varied enormously from grant applications, award applications through to Home Office/local government funding rounds. Each time The Bid Team applied our bidding methodology to ensure the documents were client focused, benefits based and had clear “win themes”. All the bids produced used highly effective visual components and provided a “fresh” look and feel to the document set.

Bidding Services

Migrant Help has engaged The Bid Team to undertake a range of bid services. Our writers ensure that their funding applications, grant applications and funding requests are written to the most powerful effect. Some of the significant activity that we have undertaken for Migrant Help include:

Gateway Resettlement Programme. This was a 2015 framework bid to work with the Home Office in partnership with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (the ‘UNHCR’). The programme demonstrates the UK’s support for the UNHCR’s global effort to provide durable solutions to the plight of Refugees. The Bid Team managed and produced all documentation for this key framework.

Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme. This was a Home Office 2016 call for participants to provide resettlement programmes in the UK for up to 20,000 refugees. The scheme is an international collaboration between the UNHCR, Home Office, IOM, local authorities and organisations like Migrant Help. The Bid Team managed, wrote and produced the bid for Migrant Help. Migrant Help currently provides this service in East Kent.

Enhanced UK Modern Slavery Helpline. This was a 2016 bid to the Home Office for a funded programme of work, sponsored by Google. The Bid Team produced all the documentation, managed the bid with a new look format for Migrant Help. The new look and feel has been used extensively for Migrant Help documentation.

National Charity Awards. Migrant Help was a finalist in the 2016 National Charity Awards after an extensive application for selection. A full application was produced, written and visualised by The Bid Team working with Migrant Help’s CEO.

Bid Functions Provided

For Migrant Help we have provided a range of bid services from bid management to ensure deliverables are met; bid writing and bid graphics to turn technical content in to bid copy; and reviewing the submission mid-bid to ensure that the bid strategy was being implemented.

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With all the demanding work going in a response, your final repsonse should demonstrate the importance you assign to the tender and hence the purchasing organisation. The right binding solutions will make you stand out.

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