Client: Green Corridor

Green Corridor provides educational courses and support for young people aged 14-25 years. To maximise opportunities available from the grant application process, they engaged The Bid Team.


Green Corridor is a registered, educational charity based near Heathrow Airport (Terminal 5) in Greater London headed by their CEO, Jean Rolfe. Since 2001, Green Corridor has worked with young, disadvantaged people to improve their access to sustained employment, education or training. In 2009, they set up their own Learning and Development Centre to offer courses in a land-based learning environment that lead to nationally recognised academic and practical qualifications. With a track record of providing vocational training within a work-based context, Green Corridor successfully breaks down barriers to employment through the development of skills. The success of Green Corridor in winning awards from their grant applications is now well established and they are seen as integral to the overall success of the local communities in West London which they serve.

Organising projects supported by Green Corridor’s corporate partners like Big Lottery, Heathrow Community Fund provide a source of guidance for their young learners from volunteers who join them during the project’s operation. These projects require funding gained from foundations and government bodies such as the Gannett Foundation and Jobcentre Plus Flexible Support Fund.

Applying for the award of a grant has become an increasingly competitive venture with bidding coming from multiple organisations eager to win financial support for their projects. In 2012, Green Corridor wanted to participate in the Horticultural Work Training programme as part of City Bridge Trust’s grants programme Growing Localities. Green Corridor planned to establish a 34-week land-based programme to enable 40 young people to achieve at least a Level 1 training qualification. A further rolling programme of horticultural training courses for 65 young people based either at their own Ealing allotment site or at client organisation venues would be instituted. To ensure the success of their grant application to City Bridge Trust, Green Corridor engaged The Bid Team.

In 2013 Green Corridor considered a proposal to renovate the Western Road allotments in Southall which covered 1 hectare and was a derelict and neglected site. This renovation would benefit the community by creating an improved green and natural environmental area and bring all community members together. The proposal focused on turning the site into allotments, providing a rich and vibrant space for the Southall community. Community members would have the opportunity to grow their own food on the allotments and create more active and healthier lifestyles as a result. In applying for the £5,000 award from the Southall Micro-Fund, Green Corridor planned to clear the site in preparation for raised beds for community use. The wider community would benefit from an area of green space that they could be proud of. In addition, the site would be managed and maintained as part of the Green Corridor youth training programme with costs sponsored by the Big Lottery Fund. Green Corridor engaged The Bid Team to provide strategic bid direction and management and bid writing for this key grant application.

Bidding Services

For the bids and grant applications, we provided bid direction, management, writing, coordination and graphic design support to Green Corridor. We applied our best practice bid process of writing compelling copy with the Green Corridor team with multiple review stages to develop the responses through to final approval and submission on time. The Bid Team has supported Green Corridor in winning awards from:

All London Green Grid – creation of a Blue Corridor. In 2013 Green Corridor applied for funding to create a project that would reveal, maintain and enhance a landscape scale network of high quality biodiversity and green open spaces. The Bid Team was engaged to assist Green Corridor in securing this important grant application from London’s green infrastructure framework.

BIG Lottery – Outreach: Outdoor project work on Partner Green Spaces. In 2012, Green Corridor planned to apply for funding from BIG Lottery for their project aimed at supporting young people in developing a land based and personal development Training Programme working alongside agencies such as Connexions and Job Centre Plus. Green Corridor engaged The Bid Team to provide strategic direction and bid writing services.

City Bridge Trust – participation in the Horticultural Work Training programme as part of City Bridge Trust’s grants programme: Growing Localities. In 2012, Green Corridor wanted to apply for funding to support the training needs of 105 young people. The Bid Team were engaged to provide Green Corridor with strategic bid direction and bid writing for their proposal.

Heathrow Communities for Youth – Project 100. In 2012, Green Corridor planned to develop an accredited training programme to reduce social exclusion and improve the educational opportunities of 100 disadvantaged young people in Ealing, Hounslow and Hillingdon areas of West London. Green Corridor engaged The Bid Team to provide strategic bid management, bid direction and bid writing and review for this complex proposal.

Hillingdon Community Trust – rejuvenation of the Old Vinyl Factory grounds. In 2013, The Bid Team supported Green Corridor’s application to fund their project that would develop the grounds into a community green growing space, providing bid direction and bid writing services.

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation – plan to transform the Hasmead site into an accredited land-based training centre. In 2015, The Bid Team was engaged by Green Corridor to provide bid writing and bid direction services for their grant application.

Bid Functions Provided

We provided strategic bid resources, overseeing the pre-bid, bid writing, bid graphics and bid review of the proposal and grant applications for Green Corridor; pre-bid consultancy to position the organisation; bid writing and bid graphics to turn content into bid copy; and providing bid review services during the proposals and grant applications to ensure that the bid strategy was being implemented.

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